Sunday, 1 May 2011


Another destination during my stay in Canada was Montreal. Magical place I always wanted to see. People say that Montreal is the most European city in Canada and that is the main reason why everyone wants to go there. To me Montreal was very interesting historically and culturally but in it's on way. I could see why it seems "so European" to everyone but to me it was something different, something I haven't seen before. People speak fluently and without accent in both: English and French, everyone seems very open minded and knowing how to leave their lives fully and happily, something that has been forgotten in places like London for example. To me Montreal was also about my friends, beautiful and very spacey apartments, bagels, Leonard Cohen and . . . hipsters. It was really shocking to see that the trend travelled that far and has affected a place thats been always known to be very protective over it's own authenticity and special character. Exactly the same styles, opinions and interests as wherever else. The more simmilar the better. Very specific about things that are cool and the ones that aren't. Os so unpractical and radicolous. Omnipresent and just off putting. All of them involved SOMEHOW with photography . . .

p.s. only later on I found out that VICE MAGAZINE has been created in Montreal.

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